In emergency situations, some people face increased protection risks. IRC helps direct and indirect victims of acts of threat, discrimination, kidnapping, theft, looting, extortion and destruction of property, denial of access to services, arson, murder and assassination. ..which are very often committed against populations.
Who are the vulnerable people who can receive support from IRC?
In addition to direct and indirect victims of acts of threats, discrimination, kidnapping, theft, looting, extortion and destruction of property, denial of access to services, murder and assassination, etc., IRC's support also extends to people with specific needs such as those living with disabilities, the elderly without support, widowed, pregnant and breastfeeding women without support to assert their rights, their safety, and their dignity.
What type of support does IRC offer to vulnerable people?
IRC offers these people protection services adapted to their needs such as psychological first aid and psychosocial support, legal advice and assistance, support with mobility kits, referral to other services as needed. people...
Why should I refer myself or a vulnerable person to IRC?
By directing these people to support services, you will also help save lives and assert your rights and those of vulnerable people.
NB: IRC services are accessible through its intervention units in Douentza, Tenenkou, Youwarou, Ansongo and Menaka.
For more information on support for vulnerable people, please write to us via our Facebook page