A death certificate is a civil status document established after the death of a person. It is essential for any settlement of an inheritance. It is a document which justifies or certifies the death of a person to the various organizations and which must be transmitted to settle administrative and legal formalities.

How to obtain a death certificate in Mali?

The death certificate is drawn up by the town hall of the municipality where the death took place. If you wish to obtain this document, you must make a declaration to the health center where the death occurred or to the town hall of your municipality, providing the following information: first and last name, sex of the deceased person, location , the date and time and the cause of death, the first and last name of the doctor who certified the death, his signature and his stamp.

After the declaration, the secretary registers the document, draws up the death certificate which is submitted to the Mayor for signature and issues you the original of the death certificate.

what is its importance?

The certificate of death of your parent allows, among other things, the opening of inheritance rights , the liquidation of the deceased's bank account and the benefit of the deceased's pension.

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